This is my story as I emerge from the dark cave of a destructive marriage and heal from the patterns of abuse in my life.
I am a Christian and love God deeply. My voice will not remain silent in the face of condemnation for saying ENOUGH.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


A post from my former Pastor in Georgia who is now serving the Lord in Africa.

If you've gone through your own difficult times and have suffered, 
maybe even have some deep scars, 
chances are good you know what it's like in the midst of pain 
to have people turn on you. Wow, what pain that brings. 
BUT, it's in the midst of "pain," 
tough times, depressing days, defeating news, difficult decisions, and discouraging times that we see God differently (if we turn to Him).  

As result of enduring pain, 
we change from being mere sufferers to wise counselors, 
valuable comforters, and actually become more like Jesus. 
After years of being in leadership capacities, 
I don't trust someone who hasn't suffered. 
The most valuable insights and wisdom I've ever received in life 
have never come from a novice. 
It comes from those who have scars, 
and by His grace and redemption, 
those scars are now stars reflecting God's gracious sustaining hand in their life. 

Don't run from tough decisions, heart-breaking news, abandonment, rejection, or hurt. As diamonds are made by pressure and pearls formed by irritation, 
so greatness is forged by adversity.

 Sound advice comes from God's Word and from those who limp, veterans of pain.

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